Sixty-odd (or sixty odd?) erstwhile and current Dolphins and loved ones met for Dolphin's 50th anniversary reunion at the VAT and Fiddle, Nottingham on 10th March. A thorough archive display by Andy Padmore, slide show on the big screen of events from the past 50 years (courtesy of Dave Walters), excellent buffet and beer as well as much conversation and reminiscing. Music session included Dave Ledsam and Laurence Platt on their respective concertinas. Songs and monologues from Wocko, John (Wib) Whitelaw, Colin and Kate Shaw, Laurence Platt and other former Dolphins with contributions also from the current crop including Dave Walters, Ian Stewart, Andy Padmore, Clive Cowx, Wil Walker and Michael Wilkinson - plus, no doubt, others too.
Photos and videos available to view and download here (including the slideshow below)
Sound files can be listened to, and downloaded, here.
Excellently organised by many, particularly Martin Morley.
Thanks Guys.